kkStB Class 429

kkStB 429/429.1 / SB 429
BBÖ 429/429.1 / ČSD 354.7 / FS 688 / JDŽ 106 / PKP Ol12 / MÁV 323.9
DRB 35.3
ÖBB 35 / ÖBB 135
Number(s): kkStB 429.01–57
kkStB 429.100–225
SB 429.01–06
BBÖ 429.03–57 (mit Lücken)
BBÖ 429.103–224
ČSD 354.701–784
FS 688.001–002
JDŽ 106-001–002
PKP Ol12-1–45, 84
MÁV 323.907
DRB 35 301–346
ÖBB 35.242
ÖBB 135.312–346 (mit Lücken)
Quantity: 283
Manufacturer: StEG, Wr. Neustadt, Floridsdorf
Year(s) of manufacture: 1909–1916
Wheel arrangement: 2-6-2
Axle arrangement: 1'C1' h2v
Gauge: 1,435 mm
Height: 4,650 m
Overall wheelbase: 8,030 mm
Wheelbase incl. tender: 13,796 mm
Empty weight: 55.1 t
Service weight: 61.2 t
Adhesive weight: 43.0 t
Top speed: 80 km/h
Driving wheel diameter: 1,614 mm
Leading wheel diameter: 870 mm
Trailing wheel diameter: 870 mm
No. of cylinders: 2
LP cylinder bore: 690 mm
HP cylinder bore: 475 mm
Piston stroke: 720 mm
Boiler Overpressure: 15 atm
No. of heating tubes: 170
Grate area: 3.00 m²
Radiative heating area: 14.20 m²
Tube heating area: 85.60 m²
Superheater area: 28.25 m²
Tender: kkStB tender classes 9, 56, 156, 256, 76, 86, 88
kkStB 429.9
BBÖ 429.9 / ČSD 354.7 / FS 688 / JDŽ 106 / PKP Ol12
DRB 35.2
ÖBB 35
Number(s): kkStB 429.900–999, 1900–1996
BBÖ 429.902–995, 1926–1987, 1997 
(mit Lücken)
ČSD 354.785–7152
FS 688.003–028
JDŽ 106-003
PKP Ol12-46–83, 85–106
DR 35 201–241
ÖBB 35.201–241 (mit Lücken)
Quantity: 197
Manufacturer: Floridsdorf, BMMF, Wr. Neustadt, StEG
Year(s) of manufacture: 1911–1918
Wheel arrangement: 2-6-2
Axle arrangement: 1'C1' h2
Gauge: 1,435 mm
Length: 10,548 m
Height: 4,650 m
Overall wheelbase: 8,030 mm
Wheelbase incl. tender: 13,844 mm
Empty weight: 55.1 t
Service weight: 61.2 t
Adhesive weight: 43.0 t
Top speed: 80 km/h
Driving wheel diameter: 1.614 mm
Leading wheel diameter: 870 mm
Trailing wheel diameter: 870 mm
No. of cylinders: 2
Cylinder bore: 475 mm
Piston stroke: 720 mm
Boiler Overpressure: 15 atm
No. of heating tubes: 170
Grate area: 3.00 m²
Radiative heating area: 14.20 m²
Tube heating area: 85.60 m²
Superheater area: 28.25 m²
Tender: kkStB tender classes 9, 56, 156, 256, 76, 86, 88

The steam locomotive class kkStB 429 was a passenger train, tender locomotive class operated by the Imperial Austrian State Railways (Kaiserlich-königliche österreichische Staatsbahnen), kkStB.

As Wilhelm Schmidt's superheater went into series production, Karl Gölsdorf modified the Class 329 into the superheated variant 429. The smokebox was lengthened, the boiler barrel reduced accordingly, high-pressure cylinders were given piston valves, the low-pressure cylinders slide valves. The Lokomotivfabrik Floridsdorf, the Wiener Neustädter Lokomotivfabrik and the Lokomotivfabrik der StEG delivered 57 units (429.01–57) to the kkStB.

In spite of the small superheater area, problems arose with the slide valves on the low-pressure side. As a result, the following 126 engines were supplied with piston valves on both sides (429.100–225). At the same time a two-cylinder variant with piston valves was tried, of which in the end 197 units were procured by the kkStB (429.900–999 and 429.1900–1996).

The Austrian Southern Railway procured six compound locomotives (with piston valves), that were numbered 429.01–06.

The 429s were employed for all duties and with good coal generated up to 1200 PS. They were to be found in almost all parts of the Danube Monarchy.

After the First World War the former 429s became Class 354.7 with the ČSD, Class Ol12 in the PKP, Class 106 in the JDŽ, Class 688 in the FS and were also used by the Romanian State Railways retaining their original numbers. A total of 87 units (46 compound, 41 two-cylinder locomotives) remained in the BBÖ.

In 1939 the Deutsche Reichsbahn (DRB) reclassified the two-cylinder engines as 35 201–241 and the compounds as 35 301–346. During the course of the war, several locomotives from the ČSD and JDŽ ended up in the DRB. After the Second World War 46 two-cylinder machines were left in the ÖBB and became their Class 35, as well as 39 compound engines which became Class 135. The serial numbers were not changed from those allocated by the DRB.

ČSD Class 354.7

The ČSD in Czechoslovakia converted all its compound locomotives (27 of the first series, 57 of the second) into two-cylinder engines. Together with the 68  two-cylinder machines taken over, they therefore had over 152 examples of Class 354.7. With the exception of one engine, all the locomotives were give a second steam dome with a connecting pipe. The ČSD did not withdraw Class 354.7 engines from its fleet until 1967.


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